BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) crews have returned to B.C. after two weeks supporting the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) with wildfire fighting efforts in Los Angeles.
New support for forest-sector manufacturers throughout the province will create and protect jobs, strengthen local economies and diversify the range of fibre sources used to manufacture high-value, made-in-B.C. forest products.
The B.C. government has launched a review of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) to ensure British Columbia’s forestry sector is continually evolving to overcome challenges and create a guideline for a stronger, more resilient future.
B.C. is negotiating earlier pensions for wildland firefighters helping align their benefits with those of other public-safety occupations while they protect communities from increasingly challenging wildfire activity.
Budget 2020 moves British Columbia forward by building the infrastructure the growing province needs, supporting thousands of new jobs, strengthening investments in health and education and making life more affordable for everyone.
Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology, and George Chow, Minister of State for Trade, will travel to Japan and South Korea March 16-22, 2019, to strengthen trade and investment ties, and to expand economic opportunities for businesses in B.C.
Budget 2018 carves a new path to shared prosperity for everyone in the province with a made-in-B.C. child-care plan, a comprehensive housing plan and record levels of capital investment in every corner of the province, Finance Minister Carole James announced today.
The B.C. government is seeking input from stakeholders across the province to help inform B.C.’s position and priorities at the upcoming North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiations between Canada, the United States and Mexico.